It's time for a blog.
Everyone has a blog.
Here are a few character drawings from my sketchbook. I'll post lots of stuff later.
Why are you so angry, short girl?
Precocious little scamp.
Shaved/unshaved. I like him better without a face.
I haven't done any "finished" drawings in a really long time. I'm hoping maybe I will, if everyone's looking at my blog. Look at it intensely. For my sake.
Yeah, yeah, Meredith has a blog! :D
Wonderful sketches, as always!
I am PEERING at your blog SO HARD you don't even know.
-- Sarah from EllJay
I am looking intently at this blog. SO intently. Hopefully it won't move.
Welcome to the blog community.
This just made my week -!
sweet drawings.
the man with the beard covering his face looks like me on the weekend.
WOO! I really like these...finished drawings are for people who are too insecure in their innate drawing abilities to let them speak for themselves. That was meant to be a joke but came out kind of serious sounding.
hey now wait a minute
أساليب القضاء على النمل نهائياًالثقول العاملة علي وجود و انشاء الخلية و أيضا وقوع بعض الاجزاء من الجدران .
” يلزم المراعاة علي الاطفال علي عدم وقوع منهم اي نوع من الغذاء علي الارض و لاسيما الحلويات لانها تجزب النمل “
أساليب القضاء على النمل
اهم شئ هو تطهير البيت دائما باستعمال مواد التنظيف المناسبة حتي لا يتبقي اي بقايا طعام او اي شئ يمكن ان يجذب النمل:
يلزم صيانة وإصلاح الجدران و التأكدة من عدم وجود اي شروخ او ثقوب في الحوائيط
شركة رش مبيدات بابها
شركة رش مبيدات بالخبر
شركة رش مبيدات بحائل
شركة رش مبيدات بالجبيل
شركة رش مبيدات
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